
Autoconfigurators are an easy way to indicate common elements that need minimal customization in applications, such as database connection. These configurations are used within the application.yml file located inside the boot folder.


  • ontimize:asynctask:
Attribute Values Meaning
enable true Module loading property
engine database Indicates the storage engine that will be used for the report system (database for database engine)
url String The URL base path where the asynchronous tasks service will be exposed

The configuration of the decoupled tasks system is done by setting up the necessary DAO for that system and annotating the service controller method. To see the configuration, check this link.


      enable: true
      engine: database
      url: /tasks


  • ontimize:dms:
Attribute Values Meaning
engine odms Indicates the engine that will be used for the DMS system. Ontimize has an implementation of an engine, whose value is odms.
base-path String The path where the DMS files will be stored

The configuration of DMS system is done by setting up the necessary DAOs for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.


      engine: odms
      base-path: file:/C:/applications/projectwiki/dms


This module works only for Ontimize Boot version 3.11.0 or above. Actual release version: Ontimize Boot

  • ontimize:sdms:
Attribute Values Meaning
engine s3 Indicates that the implementation that handles documents via the Amazon AWS S3 service API will be used.

The configuration of DMS system is done by setting up the application for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.


      engine: s3

SDMS - S3 Engine

  • ontimize:sdms:s3:
Attribute Values Meaning
access-key String Indicates the access-key parameter required to authenticate to the Amazon AWS S3 service API.
secret-key String Indicates the secret-key parameter required to authenticate to the Amazon AWS S3 service API.
bucket String Indicates the bucket parameter required to establish the S3 bucket into the SDMS.
region String Indicates the region parameter required to establish the region where the S3 bucket is located.


     access-key: s3
     access-key: ${S3_ACCESS_KEY}
     secret-key: ${S3_SECRET_KEY}
     bucket: ${S3_BUCKET}
     region: ${S3_REGION}


This module works only for Ontimize Boot version 3.7.0 or above. Actual release version: Ontimize Boot

  • ontimize:export:
Attribute Values Meaning
url String Specifies the path to use the export system.
extension String Specifies the file extension to use. This String will append to the url path as a additional path.

The configuration of exporting system is done through autoconfigurators and dependencies. To see how to use and configure, check this link.


      url: /export
      enable: true



Attribute Values Meaning
ref-bundle-repository String Name of the DAO containing information about the translation bundles
bundle-key-column String Column of the database table containing the translation bundle identifier
bundle-class-name-column String Column of the database table containing the name of the translation bundle class
bundle-description-column String Column of the database table containing the description of the translation bundle
ref-bundle-value-repository String Name of the database table containing information about the translations of each translation bundle
bundle-value-text-key-column String Column of the database table containing the key of a translation
bundle-value-key-column String Column of the database table containing the key of a translation
engine default Property to enable the i18n system. Need to have any value, commonly, default.

The configuration of the I18N system is done by setting up the necessary DAOs for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.


      ref-bundle-repository: OCDatabaseBundleDao
      bundle-key-column: ID_I18N
      bundle-class-name-column: CLASS_NAME
      bundle-description-column: I18N_DESCRIPTION
      ref-bundle-value-repository: OCDatabaseBundleValueDao
      bundle-value-text-key-column: KEY
      bundle-value-key-column: ID_I18N_VALUE
      engine: default


  • ontimize:jdbc:
Attribute Values Meaning
name-convention upper, lower, database Indicate the nomenclature of the columns in the DB, in lower case, upper case or as it appears in the database
sqlhandler postgres, mysql, oracle, oracle12, sqlserver, hsqldb Indicates which SQL statement handler will be used to communicate with the database
  • ontimize:jdbc:datasource:
Attribute Values Meaning
enabled true, false Enable or disable datasource
  • ontimize:jdbc:sql-condition-processor:
Attribute Values Meaning
upper-string true, false Use uppercase strings in WHERE conditions
upper-like true, false Use uppercase strings in LIKE conditions


      name-convention: upper
      sqlhandler: hsqldb
         upper-string: true
         upper-like: true


  • ontimize:security:
Attribute Value Meaning
mode keycloak Change the system security from default to Keycloak
  • ontimize:security:keycloak:
Attribute Values Meaning
tenants-provider default, list, custom How the tenants will be configured. Default uses only one tenant, list allows to configure a list of tenants and custom allows to provide the tenants programmatically.
public-client true, false If set to true, the adapter will not send credentials for the client to Keycloak
use-client-role-mappings true, false If set to true, the adapter will look inside the token for client level role mappings for the user. If false, it will look at the realm level for user role mappings.
realms-provider default, custom How the realms settings will be configured. Deprecated since Ontimize Boot 3.15 use tenants-provider instead.
use-resource-role-mappings true, false If set to true, the adapter will look inside the token for client level role mappings for the user. If false, it will look at the realm level for user role mappings. Deprecated since Ontimize Boot 3.15 use use-client-role-mappings instead.

One tenant

  • ontimize:security:keycloak:
Attribute Values Meaning
url URL URL of the host for Keycloak security
realm String The realm name
client String The resource/client name
auth-server-url URL URL of the host for Keycloak security. Deprecated since Ontimize Boot 3.15 use url instead.
resource URL The resource/client name. Deprecated since Ontimize Boot 3.15 use client instead.

The keycloak security configuration is done through autoconfigurators. To see the settings, check this link.


      mode: keycloak
         realm: yourrealm
         client: yourclientname
         public-client: true
         use-client-role-mappings: true

Multiple tenants using the application properties

  • ontimize:security:keycloak:tenants:

Indicates the tenants to be configured, with the properties for each one.

Attribute Values Meaning
tenantName String Name of the tenant
url URL URL of the host for keycloak security
realm String The realm name
client String The resource/client name

The keycloak security configuration is done through autoconfigurators. To see the settings, check this link.


      mode: keycloak
         tenant-provider: list
               tenant-name: Tenant 1
               realm: yourrealm1
               client: yourclientname1
               tenant-name: Tenant 2
               realm: yourrealm2
               client: yourclientname2
         public-client: true
         use-client-role-mappings: true

Multiple tenants using a table on a database

  • ontimize:security:keycloak:tenant-repository:

Indicates the table containing the information about the tenants to be configured.

Attribute Values Meaning
tenant-repository String Name of the DAO containing information about tenants
query-id String Name of the DAO query identifier for tenants
tenant-id-column String Database column that stores the tenant id
tenant-name-column String Database column that stores the tenant name
url-column String Database column that stores the URL of the host for keycloak security
realm-column String Database column that stores the realm name
client-column String Database column that stores the resource/client name

The keycloak security configuration is done through autoconfigurators. To see the settings, check this link.


      mode: keycloak
         tenant-provider: list
         tenant-repository: TenantDao
         query-id: default
         tenant-id-column: TENANT_ID
         tenant-name-column: TENANT_NAME
         url-column: URL
         realm-column: REALM
         client-column: CLIENT
         public-client: true
         use-client-role-mappings: true


Allows to configure the roles using the application properties.

  • ontimize:security:keycloak:roles
Attribute Values Meaning
name String Name of the role
server-permissions List A list of server permissions
client-permissions String Client permissions


      mode: keycloak
         public-client: true
         use-client-role-mappings: true
            - name: admin
                 - 'com.ontimize.projectwiki.model.core.service.ITestService/testQuery'
                 - 'com.ontimize.projectwiki.model.core.service.ITestService/testPaginationQuery'
                 - 'com.ontimize.projectwiki.model.core.service.ITestService/testInsert'
              client-permissions: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><security><MENU></MENU></security>'


  • ontimize:security:
Attribute Value Meaning
mode ldap Change the system security from default to ldap
  • ontimize:security:ldap:
Attribute Values Meaning
active true, false Enable or disable ldap security
host IP Ip host for ldap security
port Number Port of the host for ldap security
login-type DN, simple The login type indicates whether a full LDAP string with DN value or will be used or if the username will simply be provided with simple value
binddn String credential you are using to authenticate against an LDAP with DN (Distinguished Name)
basedn String Search starting point for LDAP with DN (Distinguished Name)
domain String The domain name
ssl false (default), true Indicates whether to use the SSL protocol for the LDAP connection.

The LDAP security configuration is done through autoconfigurators. To see the settings, check this link.


      mode: ldap
         active: true
         port: 389
         login-type: simple
         binddn: ou=XXXX,dc=YYY,dc=ZZZ
         basedn: dc=MMMM,dc,NNN
         ssl: false


  • ontimize:mail:
Attribute Values Meaning
ref-repository String Name of the DAO containing the configuration information required for system configuration
filter-column-name String Name of the column in the database table containing the keys
value-column-name String Name of the database table column containing the values
query-id String Name of the DAO query to be executed. By default, is default
filter-column-value-encoding String Key name of the row in the key column containing the value for mail encoding
filter-column-value-host String Name of the key in the row of the key column containing the value for the host in the mail service
filter-column-value-port String Name of the key in the row of the key column containing the value for the port in the mail service
filter-column-value-protocol String Name of the key in the row of the key column containing the value for the protocol used in the mail service
filter-column-value-user String Name of the key in the row of the key column containing the value for the user in the mail service
filter-column-value-password String Name of the key in the row of the key column containing the value for the user password in the mail service
filter-column-value-java-mail-properties String Name of the key in the row of the key column containing the value for the mail propoerties in the mail service
engine String Enable or disable mail engine. To enable, have any value int this arribute. By default, use default value

The configuration of the mail system is done by setting up the necessary DAOs for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.


      ref-repository: OCSettingsDao
      filter-column-name: SETTING_KEY
      value-column-name: SETTING_VALUE
      query-id: default
      filter-column-value-encoding: mail_encoding
      filter-column-value-host: mail_host
      filter-column-value-port: mail_port
      filter-column-value-protocol: mail_protocol
      filter-column-value-user: mail_user
      filter-column-value-password: mail_password
      filter-column-value-java-mail-properties: mail_properties
      engine: default


  • ontimize:multitenant:
Attribute Value Meaning
enabled true, false Enable or disable multitenant
  • ontimize:multitenant:configuration:tenants:

Indicates the tenants to be configured, with the properties for each one.

Attribute Values Meaning
driver-class String The driver class
jdbc-url String The JDBC url
Username String The username
Password String Password
  • ontimize:multitenant:configuration:tenant-repository:

Indicates the table containing the information about the tenants to be configured.

Attribute Values Meaning
tenant-repository String Name of the DAO containing information about tenants
query-id String Name of the DAO query identifier for tenants
tenant-id-column String Database column that stores the tenant id
driver-class-column String Database column that stores the driver class
jdbc-url-column String Database column that stores the JDBC url
username-column String Database column that stores the username
password-column String Database column that stores the password

The multitenant configuration is done through autoconfigurators. To see the settings, check this link.


      enabled: true
               driver-class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
               jdbc-url: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9013/templateDB
               username: SA
               driver-class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
               jdbc-url: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9013/templateDB2
               username: SA
      enabled: true
         tenant-repository: TenantDao
         query-id: default
         tenant-id-column: TENANT_ID
         driver-class-column: DRIVER_CLASS
         jdbc-url-column: JDBC_URL
         username-column: USERNAME
         password-column: PASSWORD


This module works only for Ontimize Boot version 3.7.0 or above. Actual release version: Ontimize Boot

  • ontimize:report:
Attribute Values Meaning
enable true Module loading property
engine database, file Indicates the engine that will be used for the report system (file for file system engine or database for database engine)
base-path String The path where the report files will be stored (file system engine only)

The configuration of the reports system is done by setting up the necessary DAOs for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.



      enable: true
      engine: database

File system

      enable: true
      engine: file
      base-path: C:/applications/projectwiki/reports


  • ontimize:corsfilter:
Attribute Values Meaning
enabled true, false Enable or disable CORS filter
  • ontimize:globalcors:cors-configurations Indicates the entrypoint to be configured, with the properties for each one. In general, the entrypoint [/**] is configured entirely.
Attribute Values Meaning
allowed-origins * Set the origins to allow, the special value * allows all domains. By default this is not set
allowed-headers * Set the list of headers that a pre-flight request can list as allowed for use during an actual request. The special value * allows actual requests to send any header. A header name is not required to be listed if it is one of: Cache-Control, Content-Language, Expires, Last-Modified or Pragma). By default this is not set.
exposed-headers   Set the list of response headers other than simple headers (i.e. Cache-Control, Content-Language, Content-Type, Expires, Last-Modified or Pragma that an actual response might have and can be exposed. Note that * is not a valid exposed header value. By default this is not set.
allowed-methods List Set the HTTP methods to allow, e.g. GET, POST, PUT, etc. The special value * allows all methods. If not set, only GET and HEAD are allowed. By default this is not set. Note: CORS checks use values from “Forwarded” RFC7239, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port, and X-Forwarded-Proto headers, if present, in order to reflect the client-originated address. Consider using the ForwardedHeaderFilter in order to choose from a central place whether to extract and use, or to discard such headers. See the Spring Framework reference for more on this filter.
maxAge Number Configure how long, in seconds, the response from a pre-flight request can be cached by clients. By default this is not set.
allow-credentials - Whether user credentials are supported. By default this is not set (i.e. user credentials are not supported).


      enabled: true
            allowed-origins: "*"
            allowed-headers: "*"
            exposed-headers: ["X-Auth-Token","Content-disposition","X-Requested-With"]
            - GET
            - POST
            - PUT
            - OPTIONS
            - DELETE


  • ontimize:security:
Attribute Values Meaning
mode default Use default to enable the security mode for Ontimize Boot
ignore-paths String Paths in server thant will not be securized
service-path String Establish the service path. By default, /**
  • ontimize:security:jwt: Required
Attribute Values Meaning
password String JWT password
expiration-time Long JWT expiration time
refresh-token true, false Set true to refresh JWT, false otherwise
  • ontimize:security:user-information-service:
Attribute Values Meaning
query-id String Name of the DAO query identifier.
user-login-column String Database column that stores the username
user-password-column String Database column that stores the password
user-need-check-pass-column String Database column that stores whether the password requires updating at the next use
user-repository String Name of the DAO containing information about users
other-data List Extra data to store from the user logged
  • ontimize:security:role-information-service:
Attribute Values Meaning
role-repository String Name of the DAO containing information about users
role-name-column String Database column that stores the role name
server-permission-query-id String Name of the DAO query identifier for server permissions
server-permission-name-column String Database column that stores the server permissions
client-permission-query-id String Name of the DAO query identifier for client permissions
client-permission-column List Database column that stores the client permissions
  • ontimize:security:user-role-information-service:
Attribute Values Meaning
user-role-repository String Name of the DAO containing relation between users and its profiles
query-id String Name of the DAO query identifier
role-login-column String Database column that stores the username
role-name-column String Database column that stores the role name

The configuration of the rest of the Security System is done by setting up the necessary DAOs for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.


    mode: default
      password: cH4nG3_M3** # ← CHANGE THIS VALUE
    ignore-paths: /news/**, /products/**
      user-repository: OCLoginProfilesDao
      query-id: login
      user-login-column: USER_
      user-password-column: PASSWORD
        - NAME
        - SURNAME
        - EMAIL
        - NIF
        - FIRSTLOGIN
      user-role-repository: OCLoginProfilesDao
      query-id: userRole
      role-login-column: USER_
      role-name-column: ROLENAME
      role-repository: OCLoginProfilesDao
      role-name-column: ROLENAME
      server-permission-query-id: serverPermissions
      server-permission-name-column: PERMISSION_NAME
      client-permission-query-id: clientPermissions
      client-permission-column: XMLCLIENTPERMISSION


  • ontimize:threadpool:
Attribute Values Meaning
coresize Integer The number of threads to keep in the pool, evenif they are idle
maxsize Integer The maximum number of threads to allow in the pool
keepalive Long When the number of threads is greater than the core, the maximum time that excess idle threads will wait for new tasks before terminating (in milliseconds)
timeout true, false Allow core threads to time out


      coresize: 1
      maxsize: 2147483647
      keepalive: 1000
      timeout: true


This module works only for Ontimize Boot version 3.9.0 or above. Actual release version: Ontimize Boot

  • ontimize:save-config:
Attribute Values Meaning
save-config true, false Allows save preferences in database
  • ontimize:save-config-dao:
Attribute Values Meaning
save-config-dao String The name of the DAO for save preferences

The configuration of the rest of the Preferences System is done by setting up the necessary DAOs for that system. To see the configuration, check this link.


   save-config: true
   save-config-dao: ConfigsDao